December 06, 2023

Kic has taught me that you can be happy in your skin, no matter what…

At Kic, our community is the driving force behind everything we do. Without our dedicated Kic Squad, we wouldn’t be where we are today. As we continue to grow and evolve, we want to hear and celebrate the positive impact that Kic has had on our communities’ lives.

Meet Sheridan Hedges, our magnificent community member and ambassador. Kic has taught Sheridan to be comfortable in her skin no matter what. She has discovered that movement and fuelling your body is about how you feel, not how you look. Here’s Sheridan’s story…

How do you use Kic in your daily life?

I use it everyday, for movement and meal planning, everything we have for dinners and lunches come from the Kic app.

What has Kic taught you?

That you can be happy in your skin no matter what, the meals are nourishing and wholesome (and so easy to make) and love that there aren’t any calories associated with the meals or any certain “meal plan”, I can eat my meals without counting any calories or feeling guilty if I eat something that’s not on “my plan”. It has also taught me more importantly to move my body for how it makes me feel, not how I look and that has been a massive self- healing journey in it self for me. Kic (and the community) has allowed me to shift this perspective and I can honestly say this is the happiest I’ve felt for a very long time and have now a healthy and loving relationship with myself and my body.

Would you recommend Kic to your friends/family and why?

I preach it to my family and friends on the daily, they can see how happy it has made me, I post regularly on socials my workouts or meals for the day and when I don’t I get people messaging me asking for my updates. I tell them how budget friendly not only the app is but the meals that you can create for the family , there are a variety of workouts to chose from as well as meditations to help reduce stress or help to get to sleep.

How do you feel Kic sets itself apart from other health and fitness programs or apps you've tired in the past?

KIC’ing all the toxic diet culture and having a more relaxed approach. The messaging and the campaigns Kic run don’t focus on changing our bodies which what drew me to Kic during my early PP days and my self-healing journey and I am so forever grateful I did because it has changed my life for the better.

Can you share a memorable experience or achievement you've had while using Kic?

HEAPS! When I was 9 months PP I joined and I remember feeling humbled on the beginner classes going from crossfit style workouts to being bed ridden all pregnancy due to HG (however, I did join Kic to do the KICBUMP program and when I was feeling good I would do a workout) to buiding up my strength again, seeing me progress from beginner to intermediate classes and having completed now 3 programs. Very proud of that achievement. Another one which still gives me goosebumps is I am so proud to be chosen as a Kic ambassador, I LOVE Kic and I love sharing it so I I didn’t know how much of an impact I would make by becoming an ambassador and sharing my journey would create, I have had so many people who I haven’t spoken to for many years reach out and we have connected over Kic again and telling me I give them motivation and have now since joined. My family sometimes don’t like my cooking and have hosted family dinners with Kic meals and have now converted my family to like my cooking and have them asking for the recipe, BIG WINS!

How has the community aspect of Kic, such as connecting with other users, impacted your overall experience and confidence?

It’s been great, there’s absolutely no negativity, it’s all positive and uplifting and you can trust that if you put a post up whether it be for advice or an achievement you will have someone comment on it going through the same thing which is comforting and inspiring.

We are immensely proud of our community for their growth, evolution and the positive changes they have made in their mindset about health and fitness. If you’d like to share your story, fill out the Q&A here.