February 08, 2023

What we wish we knew growing up…

So, how do we become body confident in a world that focuses on our flaws?

What’s the secret to maintaining work life balance?

How do we stop imposter syndrome rearing its ugly head?

How do we navigate financial wellbeing and not feel overwhelmed by our futures and the big bad world?

Perhaps you’re in your twenties, or your thirties, and you’re asking yourself these questions. We know we did, and goodness, did we wish we all had the answers!

These are just some of the topics we unpack in our new book – You Take Care – it’s the book we wish we had in our twenties, a realistic guide for finding love for yourself in your everyday.

And while we may not have all the answers, we’ve had the pleasure of working with and learning from some pretty amazing experts over the years, and in You Take Care, we share these golden nuggets of advice in the hope that you can apply them to your everyday or even situations you’re finding challenging.

We want to arm you with the tools to overcome confidence barriers, rebuild your relationship with food and exercise, navigate vulnerability and prevent burn out.

You Take Care is divided into three parts: Mind, Body & Connection.

Mind dives into the practical tips to help your mind thrive. In a survey with over 2.5K KIC Community members, 61% believed that mental wellness is more important than physical health – we couldn’t agree more! We explore cultivating happiness, navigating feelings of shame and anxiety, avoiding burnout (and everything in between).

Did you know that 7 out of 10 Australian women and non-binary people between 18-30 have experienced a lack of body confidence at some stage in their life? It’s an insane stat, and unfortunately one we’ve both experienced. But, we’re flipping the narrative. The Body chapter is a toolbox to help you nourish and nurture your body, and rebuild your relationship with food & exercise.

Connection is all about building self confidence – both personally and at the workplace – and lessons on nurturing our relationships, as well as strengthening the one we have with ourselves. We also talk about returning to work as a mum and dealing with unsolicited advice during pregnancy (because let’s face it, it’s bloody frustrating, not to mention triggering).

The reality is, there’s no rule book for taking care of yourself while balancing all the things life throws at you! Living life shouldn’t be about perfection and our twenties and thirties is a juggling act.

You Take Care is available at all major book store retailers. You can purchase your copy today via Booktopia!