With the craziness and pressures we face in our modern day lives, we are constantly battling with insane amounts of stresses and anxieties and we all react to these feelings in different ways. Some of you, like myself, may find that you’re slightly more sensitive, demotivated or more emotional than usual. However, no matter how you feel, I want to remind you that your feelings are absolutely valid.
World Mental Health Day (falling on October 10th) provides a great opportunity to take a moment and reflect on how we’re feeling. If you’re struggling, it’s going to be okay and you’re not alone. There are so many tactics you can actively put in place to nurture, support and enhance your mental health during your tough times. It’s all about finding what works for you, discovering your very own mental health recipe and implementing these tools on a regular basis.
Having a mental health toolbox will help you feel calmer, more centred, happier and healthier, and in light of World Mental Health Day, I wanted to share some tips that work for me, that may work for you:
1. I switch off social media.
Having a digital detox to get away from the news and people’s ‘highlight reels’ does wonders for my mental health. I’m able to be more present and less consumed by the news cycle and can avoid any unwarranted comparison thoughts that may arise when I see people out living their best lives.
2. I meditate.
Our Keep it Cleaner mediations are absolutely perfect for helping me to take a few minutes to re-fresh, reset or strip away any yucky feelings that I might be experiencing. Meditating allows me to take a moment to recognise any knots of discontent that I might be feeling while also giving me the opportunity to make peace with my feelings and let them fall away to insignificance as they simply aren’t serving me. Meditating isn’t always my ‘go-to’ but it’s one of the best ways to help my mind and body feel more relaxed and grounded and when I practice it more regularly, the benefits are amazing.
3. I eat food that fuels my soul.
I love food. Whether it be a nourishing green smoothie, a chocolate cookie or a cheesy pasta, feeding and fuelling my body is something that makes me happy and helps to boost my energy. This always helps to lift my mood and feel a little brighter.
4. I walk and get some fresh air.
Taking a moment to stretch and move my legs (always preferably in the sunshine) does wonders for my mental wellbeing. A walk always helps me to clear my mind, escape whatever might be bothering me at home and gives me a chance to take some deep breaths that fill my lungs with fresh air. I’m also really enjoying getting back into running. Running is such a powerful tool to destress and declutter the mind, I’ve missed the post run high, you honestly can’t beat that vibe!
5. I workout.
One of my absolute favourite tools is a solid sweat session! Whether it’s letting off some steam with a KIC Boxing Masterclass or building up strength with one of our breakdown workouts, the post-workout endorphin rush really is the best thing for my mental health. I’m also loving getting back into the gym and working on my strength. In saying that it’s so important to listen to your body and give in to what it’s craving. When I’m feeling sluggish, tired or lacking energy I’ll opt for a KIC Pilates or yoga flow, to really nurture my body and mind.
6. I rest.
Sometimes all I need is a good sleep. Letting my mind and body be at total rest is one of the simplest things I do to help look after myself. Whenever I’m well rested I’m always more resilient and less susceptible to letting my head get the better of me. This has however been a challenge since becoming a mum haha, but his sleep routine is slowly getting better and better. However, if I’m ever feeling overwhelmed it’s generally due to a busy schedule and not enough sleep, so I’ll reach out to Josh for help and we’ll balance out the responsibilities with Harvey so I can get more shut eye.
7. I lean on my friends & family.
People are so wonderful, they bring us so much joy. Taking a moment to connect with another soul who loves and adores you is a beautiful feeling and is a powerful tool that never fails to help pull me out of any darkness and boost my mood.
8. I accept that it's ok that I'm not ok.
Acceptance is incredibly powerful. I have seen a psychologist in the past to help manage my stress. One of the main takeaways from seeing a psychologist was that I was putting a negative or positive connotation towards certain feelings, and if i was ever having a ‘negative’ feeling like stress for example I would get angry and upset for feeling that feeling! By acknowledging my feelings now I’m already one step closer to being in control of those feelings which then allows me to deploy the best strategies to help overcome them. Whenever I can identify what’s causing me to feel a little ‘off’ it is an immediate boost as I know I can help myself get through it.
I hope that in sharing this you’ll be inspired to take control wherever you can and employ some of these strategies to help boost your mental health.
In light of Self-care Sleeptember, we chatted with our wonderful co-founder Laura about her night time routine, sleep habits and favourite sleep mediation!
Just like we put time, care and effort into looking after our physical heath, we also need to make sure we are doing this for our mental health too. Unlike our physical health where the benefits and improvement are tangible, visible and measurable, our mental health improvements aren’t always as material, but this doesn’t negate […]
One of our favourite ways to practice self-care is by meditating. It’s oh-so-simple but oh-so-effective. It does wonders for our mental health and can have a seriously incredible impact on our sleep.