December 30, 2022

Steph & Laura’s goals for 2023

The new year always inspires us to set goals. Both Steph and I love setting goals because the new year feels like a fresh start, motivating us to aim high (but realistic of course) and get excited about the year ahead. Plus our commitments aren’t too crazy yet so we also tend to have a little more time to think about how our routines and habits can contribute to our goals (they say it takes 21 days to form a habit).

With that said, we want to remind you that you can set goals WHENEVER and HOWEVER you like, it doesn’t always need to be at the start of a new year. In fact, we encourage you to continually self-reflect and set and re-set goals accordingly – even if it’s as simple as waking up 15 minutes earlier each weekday.

If you’re in need of some tips on how to set goals that you will keep and achieve, we loved the tips and advice on goals setting that our head trainer Danny shared here.

We definitely had Danny’s advice in our minds when we sat down to think about our goals both as individuals and business partners for 2023. Below we’ve shared the goals that we’ve set and will strive to achieve in 2023.

Steph’s goals for 2023:

  • One of my goals is to spend more time PRESENT with Harvey this year. I don’t mind him being curious and learning from screens every now and again, but I’m keen to spend more time with him without my phone in my hand so that he continues to also be curious and learn without the help of technology too.


  • A physical goal of mine is to prioritise staying in routine when I can. I’m really excited about our app update and new KIC progressive Programs that will help me do just that! I always find doing my best to setting at least three days aside for a KIC workout, even a 10min mini, makes me feel so much more energised and motivated throughout the week. Anything less than that and I don’t feel myself. I want to try and keep myself more accountable this year as I know how important it is for my mental health too.


  • Another goal of mine is to put more time aside out for one on one time with Josh. I’d like to plan out monthly date nights at a minimum – with an even bigger goal to make that every fortnight. He’s my biggest supporter, and time with him fills my cup up so much so I don’t want to let him fall to the bottom of the list in terms of priorities like he admittedly has at times this year.


Laura’s goals for 2023:

  • One of my biggest goals is to read more this year! This year I have started to read fiction again for the first time in years and I have enjoyed reading so much more. I usually read non-fiction books which are usually business-themed, and while I still want to keep my consumption up of this type of content as I learn so much, I want to balance it out a little more with fiction. Reading beautiful storybooks is a beautiful way to take a mini break from the outside world, which we all need sometimes (well I do!)


  • To follow the theme of taking a break, my next goal is to schedule more downtime in 2023. This year I took less time off than usual (sometimes in the moment it seems like the easiest option to manage workload) but longer term it makes preventing burnout almost impossible. I have learnt that it is impossible to pour from an empty cup, so making sure that I take the time to fill mine will be a big focus for me.


  • Thirdly, I want to really focus on establishing my morning and nighttime routine again. I haven’t been as regimented with these times this year and I have really noticed an overall difference in how I feel. I thrive on routine, and it really helps me to feel in control of my days and weeks and so I want to really put time into reestablishing these routines.


Remember that everyone will have different goals and it’s important to never compare yourself to others or let others influence what you want to achieve. You are setting your goals to make improvements for YOU, nobody else. We know that you are capable of anything you set your mind to.

Bring on 2023!

Steph & Laura