June 07, 2021

Returning to exercise after a break? Laura’s tips to get moving…

There’s no denying that life is crazy busy. When you come to think about it, our bodies and minds are pretty damn incredible for everyday they juggle a myriad of conscious and subconscious tasks. With so much going on it’s only normal that from time to time aspects of our life will take a hit. More often than not, we prioritise other tasks to please others and looking after ourselves is pushed to the back-burner.

For each of us, the way in which we look after ourselves will differ, however for many of us, movement is something we recognise as a self-care activity. When it’s been a while since we last moved our bodies, the thought of getting back into it can be seriously daunting, I’ve been there before, I completely understand! Knowing that so many of us experience this, I thought I’d share my top tips on getting back into exercise.

  1. Choose a movement that you enjoy.

Exercise shouldn’t be a punishment nor should it fill you with dread (well, maybe sometimes when you’ve got a round of burpees or wall hip raises coming up!!) But, on a more serious note, you should move in a way that leaves your mind and body feeling content and fulfilled – for some of us that might be a leisurely stroll and for others it might be an intense HIIT workout. Regardless of your style, getting back into exercise by picking movements that you enjoy will help you to build and maintain a routine, be something you look forward to and feel motivated to commit to regularly.

  1. Take it slow.

When it’s been a while and you’re just starting up again don’t run before you can walk – it takes time to re-build strength and fitness. Too often when we say we want to get back into movement we go out too hard and too fast without actually letting our bodies readjust. This could not only lead to injuries but could also leave you feeling discouraged and in turn, make you want to give up before you’ve even truly started! By taking it slow and setting yourself small and realistic goals suited to your abilities, not only will you feel more accomplished, but you’ll feel more encouraged to continue moving your body because you know you can achieve what you set out to do. If you’ve made the first step of joining KIC to help you get back into it, go you! We have our KIC START progressive beginner program which will allow you to perfect the basics before moving over to our KIC FIT program – don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

  1. Find a workout buddy.

Let’s be real, with the hustle and bustle of day to day life, it can be super hard to fit everything in – this is often a reason movement gets neglected. So, why not schedule in some movement with a loved one?! Whether it be a walking catch up with a friend, a strength session with a gym buddy or a zoom workout with your workmates, having someone to not only workout with but keep you accountable is of immense benefit when getting back into routine. We also have our incredible KIC Facebook Community where you can connect with other beautiful souls, share workouts tips and even tee up a virtual or IRL workout – when you’re part of the KIC community you’ll be sure to never feel alone when getting back into exercise.

  1. Remember the importance of rest.

Our bodies need rest and it’s SO important for recovery, especially when getting back into movement and using muscles we haven’t engaged in a little while. It’s highly likely that our bodies may pull up a little sore and so it’s imperative that you allow your body time to heal. If you’re someone who wants to stick to a particular routine, try including active rest days where you simply walk and stretch. You’ll feel SO much better going into your next workout rested.

  1. Plan.

Planning when we are going to move our bodies is seriously important to hold ourselves accountable. Making your workouts non-negotiable by adding it to your calendar will help you establish good habits and routine. By doing this, it leaves you less likely to neglect or forget your movement or fall in to old bad habits.

  1. Remember your WHY.

Motivation won’t always show up, and that’s completely normal. Remind yourself of the core reason why you love to move. Whether it be for your mental health, for that endorphin rush or for your physical heath, reverting back to your WHY will help keep your head in the game.

I hope that these tips will assist you to make the transition back to movement and self-care easier, more informed and gentle.

Don’t forget to believe in yourself for you are so much stronger and more capable than you think.


Laura x

Laura Henshaw