Want to know more about Dance Cardio and get to know your new Dance Cardio Master Trainer?
Check out this Q&A with Kath, who is here to help you move, groove and boost your mood!
What inspired you to get into dancing and why do you love dance as a form of exercise?
Why did you choose to become a KIC master trainer? What is it about KIC that you love?
Can you tell us a little bit about what we can expect from a KIC Dance masterclass with you?
Why do you think dance and music is so powerful for our mental health?
What would you say to someone who thinks they're too uncoordinated to complete your dance masterclasses?
How do you feel after completing a dance routine, even if it's just for 10 minutes?
What is your 'dance like nobody's watching' song?
Which tunes / go-to playlist would you recommend we get pumping when completing one of your masterclasses?
Do you mix up your movements and music depending on whether you're feeling anxious, low, stressed?
Laura shares some of her favourite KIC workouts which she loves doing at those times when she’s not feeling overly motivated to move. These KIC masterclasses are more gentle and lower impact yet never fail to leave you feeling elated from the endorphin rush.
Whether you’re a new postpartum mum like me, need to be more gentle on your joints, are returning to exercise after an injury or your body is simply craving something a little less intense, KIC has you covered! As much as I love getting my sweat on with a super intense HIIT workout, since having […]
Sometimes eating healthy can be a little expensive but we’ve got some hacks to help you make sure you can prioritise your health and steer clear from relying on fast food.