* Trigger Warning: This episode discusses disordered eating. If you or anyone you know needs support, contact The Butterfly Foundation on 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE) *
Steph Elswood grew up as a professional dancer, in a world where a lot of the focus was on body image and where disordered eating was quite common in her circle. She has since healed her relationship with food an exercise and is now a health and fitness advocate, as well as the Director of body confidence workshops ‘Stay Sassy’, and Founder of non-alcoholic drinks range Carouse.
In today’s episode, Steph speaks to her experience as a dancer and what she’d now tell her younger self, her decision to give up alcohol and what this meant for her identity & among her friendship circles, and how she manages her own emotions whilst being an empath.
In Steph & Laura’s catch up today, we reminisce about the days where prank calling someone as a kid was the most hilarious thing in the world – but Laura is shocked by one of Steph’s mischievous childhood pranks (surprising since Laura is now quite the prankster herself)!
Sydney Cassidy is the founder of Gym Girls Locker Room– a community of like-minded women looking to build strength and confidence at the gym where they can support, encourage and communicate with one another – which we are sure you’d agree aligns so perfectly with what we do at Kic.
In Steph & Laura’s catch up today we address the chat around the remake of Snow White, why it seems they are changing the entire storyline, why people up in arms about it, and what being a feminist actually looks like.