It’s not a regular Monday catch up for Steph & Laura today. Instead, the girls sit down for what is essentially an extremely open, raw and honest therapy session among friends. Although technically there’s no therapist, the girls air out some things that have been weighing on them for a while, and open up to one another about their deepest insecurities – some of which they have never expressed to each other before.
Among the tears shed, there are some very powerful and beautiful words shared with one another, and it amplifies just how strong the friendship is between these two besties. If you can relate to these topics, we hope that you also have someone in your life you can confide in like this.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, book by Taylor Jenkins Reid
We’d like to introduce our newest strength trainer Sami Rose! In these 10 brand NEW resistance style Masterclasses, Sami will introduce you to new lifts & combinations, bring back the classic movements you know and love as well as practice powerful affirmations, enabling you to build muscle, improve stamina and celebrate your body.
After having Steph and Josh on the podcast last week, it’s only fair that Laura and Dalton were next!
‘You Take Care’ is Steph & Laura’s brand new book that’s available in stores as of tomorrow, and today’s KICPOD episode is all about what you can expect from this book, the writing process and lessons learned during, and the strange moments that came from recording the audio book.
In Steph and Laura’s catch up today, they discuss damaging diet culture, and Laura also reveals that she’s been putting up with something for FAR too long… something that could have easily been resolved with one quick trip to the shops!