Want help building those sustainable habits and a routine you can actually stick to?
Try Kic today with a 7 day free trial!
As January rolls into February, many of us may be back into the thick of our regular routines.
Getting back into your 9-5 after a blissful holiday break can sometimes be a bit of a shock to the system. When we have time off, we can get quite used to that extra time for long morning runs, lengthy pilates flows, and we can even take our time in the kitchen.
But if you’re like us, and you’re entering a reality check, our regular routines can put a halt on these healthy holiday habits we’ve created. But that’s so okay! It’s important to be realistic with what your weeks look like now and find those bite-sized moments that fit with you.
Here are our tips to help you Kic’ back into reality and keep building those sustainable, healthy, habits.
Kic it with a shorter workout!
Don’t have time for a 30 minute flow? Opt for a 5-10 minute workout instead! Even the smallest movements can bring a positive impact on your mood. Choosing a shorter workout for your morning can be a great way to set up your day up with feel good vibes and reduce the stress from trying to fit everything into your morning routine. We love a Kic mini with Kika, they bring the burn and get you fired up in no time at all!
Meal prep to cook once, and eat every day
Dedicating some time each week to meal prep can do a world of wonders. You’ll have nutritious, healthy lunches ready for each day of the week and be fuelled with nutritious food. You’ll get the added bonus of saving money from those ad-hoc take away lunches. Plus time back into your morning as you won’t be scrambling to throw together your lunch. Our favourite meal prep options are Kic’s eggplant pasta bake, one pot tuscan chicken or our couscous and veggie bowl!
Make sure to take a break!
It can be tempting to stay at your desk and power through your to-do list. However, it’s important to take breaks so you can refresh your brain and keep motivated. Take a moment to go grab a coffee or just take a five minute walk. A break can give you a reset so you can get back into it with a fresh mind.
Don’t be hard on yourself!
Returning to the office after time off takes a lot of energy out of you – that’s normal and expected! Commuting into the office and socialising with your work mates takes up more energy than you realise, so if you’re getting home after work feeling drained, it makes sense. It takes time to get back into the swing of things, so take it one day at a time – you’ve got this.
Take some time to wind down at the end of your day.
Taking a moment for you can be a great way to check in with how you’re feeling and reflect on your day. Practicing mindfulness can help reduce your stress and keep you feeling on top of what might have been a busy day. Wind down with a sleep meditation and switch off your busy brain as you drift to sleep. You can find a range of sleep meditations and sleep stories in the Kic app!
We’re all about helping you live your best life, in every way possible! So we thought we’d take the chance to share some of the tips we’ve learnt from juggling so many different things in our lives. From running a business to working additional side projects and managing our team, life can certainly get busy. […]
Level up your work lunch game with these budget friendly, delicious meal ideas.
If there’s one question we get asked over and over again, its this – “How do I get out of my food / workout / motivation slump?” We know what’s it’s like to get trapped in a negative mindset. You feel like you just can’t motivate yourself so there is no point in trying! But […]