December 27, 2020

21 Days to Form a Habit with Danny Kennedy

Lasting results requires you to do small efforts, exceptionally well, on a consistent basis. This means, it’s not a one time gig, you can’t just train well for a few days here and there, or eat well for a couple of meals and hope that your results will magically appear.

Lasting results requires you to do small efforts, exceptionally well, on a consistent basis. This means, it’s not a one time gig, you can’t just train well for a few days here and there, or eat well for a couple of meals and hope that your results will magically appear.

Instead, you need to form habits, habits that align with your goal/s and that will allow you to remain consistent and most importantly, allow you to maintain an enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle.

Forming new habits, that will propel you towards your goals, can seem daunting and sometimes even unattainable. But what if I told that that in just 21 days we can help you build on the essential habits YOU need, to get from where you are right at this very moment, to where you ultimately want to be.

How to build a new habit, or multiple new habits, in just 21 days.

What to do…

Get CLEAR on what you want

Goal setting is essential to forming a new habit, but you must get clear on exactly what it is that you want to achieve. Make sure this is for YOU, not for anyone else. Be specific as possible. Example: ‘I want to drink at least 3L of water per day’ instead of ‘I want to drink more water’.

Reverse engineer HOW you will do it

It’s not enough to only know WHAT you want, you need to know HOW. If your goal is to build a habit of meditating every day, write down exactly how you will do that. What time of the day will you be able to commit to doing it every day? What app will you use? What kind of meditation? How long do you want to do it for?

Start small

Don’t go from not running at all, to trying to run a marathon in 21 days, start small.

Week 1: Run for 60 seconds: Walk for 60 seconds.
Week 1: Run for 60 seconds: Walk for 40 seconds.
Week 3: Run for 60 seconds: Walk for 20 seconds.
And so on…

(If you’re looking to start running in 2021, check out out running program in the KIC app)

Stay accountable with daily checklists/journalling

Accountability is the absolute key to forming a new habit. Physically write down your goals, revisit them every morning and night, take a screenshot of them and set them as your phone background, tell a friend/family member, do whatever it takes to make sure you are consciously aware of your goals every single day.

What NOT to do…

Try to do it all at once

You’re setting yourself up for failure here. The key to building habits and changing your life in a positive way, is to gradually build on these habits over time. Focus on just 1 new habit per week.

Compare yourself to anyone else other than yourself

Don’t look at someone’s year 5, and compare it to your day 1.

You are only ever competing against yourself, with the sole purpose of being better than you were yesterday. If you can do that, you’re always going to be a winner.

So there you have it, for the next 21 days, what will your goal be? What’s a new habit you want to form? Get clear, be willing to do the work, and watch your life change. The best part is everyone can do this, and once you’ve done it once, don’t stop there, keep going! One habit at a time.

Danny Kennedy